Sunday, October 9, 2011

Effects of protein shakes.

Yes, protein shakes really do make your muscles bigger, even if you don't want bigger muscles. And they might make your elbows swollen too, and then you'll mistake that for elbow fat and have a MASSIVE panic attack because you can't feel any elbow bone any more. But since the elbows were just swollen, they will go down in two days and you will be fine after all.

When you are angry, listen to your boyfriend who is not in a bad mood because he is probably thinking more rationally than you are and it will save you two hours worth of driving time if you do.

Never say "oh, I'll exercise after I watch this movie late at night," because it won't happen.

Processed cheese from Arby's bacon cheddar melt tastes eerily similar to when you throw up in your mouth.