Sunday, April 10, 2011

Panic attack in class.

Don't use nicknames for contacts in your phone. Then when you forget your phone at someone's house you'll think you lost it and some stranger will look through recent messages to see that you put the contact "pillow. sex." in AS A JOKE and you will have a mini panic attack. In class, too.

Stef is the only one who calls you the nickname "Man" (short for Amanda). So when you are walking to class and you hear someone say "hey man" you should not respond in any way. They were talking to the guy walking towards them, not to you.

Go to the bathroom before you pick someone up from the airport. Otherwise when you get home both bathroom/showers will be in use for another ten minutes and you'll really have to pee.

When one of your students is talking about her first son, don't assume he has already been born. She's seven months pregnant. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Don't let this happen to you.

If you are on an intramural soccer team, don't wear Stef's old cleats. They will be too small for you. Your will jam your toe into the end of the cleat, and it hurts.

If your toe is hurt from a soccer game don't go snowboarding that day. It will just make it worse.

If you have blood pooled under your toe you should immediately drain it or else when you try later that night it will already be congealed so you'll have a hole in your toenail and it will still hurt.

Taken a few weeks after it happened, so the blood looks black. Notice the hole in the center.

When you heat up a metal paper clip to stab through your toenail to drain the blood out you should probably do it instead of your roommate. She'll go too far and burn your skin underneath.

If you do hurt your toe badly, do it when its hot outside. Wearing flip flops while its snowing is not as fun as it sounds.