Friday, January 21, 2011

Flirtation fail.

All of my stories are about things I have done that were epic failures, but today I'm writing about someone else. Today I witnessed a guy's plans go up in flames and it went a little like this:

So this morning I was lazily sitting in chemistry trying not to fall asleep. Nothing was going on around me and the teachers voice was droning on like I've never heard  droning before. As I casually glanced up from my notes I noticed the couple in front of me. The guy was writing on the girl's paper. I thought this was weird because they could have easily just talked to each other without anyone noticing, but whatever. Then I saw that the girl was responding to him by writing on his paper, so I got a little intrigued. Assuming they were married or something I wanted to sneak a peak at what they were writing. I couldn't see what she was writing, but I could see his. Apparently they weren't married, because these are the things he wrote:

"What's you're name?"

(I don't know what happened between this comment and the next comment, but I'm pretty sure she dropped her pen and maybe asked to use his, or something along those lines)

"You better not steal my pen.

Do you have a bf?


Now I'm not paying attention to a thing.

No problem :)"

Ouch! That's gotta hurt. And even better was the awkwardness between them once class was over and everyone was leaving. They didn't say anything to each other. Oh man, I'd hate to be that guy right now.

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