Monday, December 30, 2013

Lyrics are Hard

David and I were driving in the car and the song "Brave" came on the radio. We both sang along, and at the chorus he sang "I want to see your bridge burn!" instead of "I want to see you be brave!" I had already seen the music video for the song and I knew it was a really uplifting song, so I made fun of him for a few days about that. He continues to sing it that way.

*skip to 50 seconds to hear that line

Also, one of my favorite songs right now, called Radoactive, is named "Ready to rock you" in David's book.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to rag on David, I just think it's funny. I have misheard WAY more lyrics that he has, I just can't think of them right now. But even worse, when I don't know the words I make them up. For example, in the song Royals by Lorde it says "And we'll never be royals....(couple of lines later) can call me queen bee!" and when I sing it around the house I forget how it goes so I skip those couple of lines in between and say "And we'll never be royals, laying in a bed of cheese!" 

Things like this. All the time. My brain is weird. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Public Restroom

So I walked into a stall in a restroom on campus the other day. I shut the door, sat down (hovering, of course; there was no seat cover), did my business, and when I went to zip up my pants I saw that...


Granted, it was only a tiny bit, but that could have had some major embarrassing consequences.

Ladies and gentleman, make sure your stall door is in the locked position before you begin going to the bathroom in a public restroom.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Elusive Sweatpants.

Today I was got home from school and went to browse the internet to relax a little. My jeans were uncomfortable, so I took them off, along with my shoes, right then and there.

I then went in search for some comfy slippers and sweats. Not very many people know this, but I am awful at looking for things. I can walk past something five times and not see it even though I'm looking for it. That happened today. I scoured our one bedroom apartment for maybe 5-7 minutes looking for my gray sweats and couldn't find them! I gave up and went back to the computer. And that's when I spotted them.

The elusive sweats.

Right next to the computer chair where I had been sitting when I got up to look for them.

Note: I did not move either pair of pants/shoes for comedic value. This is really where they were.

Apparently I had done the exact same thing with my sweats earlier that morning that I did with my jeans in the afternoon.

P.S. David has read this post and responded "That epitomizes you."