Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Elusive Sweatpants.

Today I was got home from school and went to browse the internet to relax a little. My jeans were uncomfortable, so I took them off, along with my shoes, right then and there.

I then went in search for some comfy slippers and sweats. Not very many people know this, but I am awful at looking for things. I can walk past something five times and not see it even though I'm looking for it. That happened today. I scoured our one bedroom apartment for maybe 5-7 minutes looking for my gray sweats and couldn't find them! I gave up and went back to the computer. And that's when I spotted them.

The elusive sweats.

Right next to the computer chair where I had been sitting when I got up to look for them.

Note: I did not move either pair of pants/shoes for comedic value. This is really where they were.

Apparently I had done the exact same thing with my sweats earlier that morning that I did with my jeans in the afternoon.

P.S. David has read this post and responded "That epitomizes you."

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