Thursday, April 23, 2020

Cream Puffs

We decided to make cream puffs today. 

The cream puffs didn’t puff. 

At all. 

Crunchy puffs. 

They are greasy doughy solid crunchy balls. In the oven they didn't rise at all but the butter started oozing out of them, and they are very doughy on the inside. Turns out we missed one step/ingredient of adding water. BUT HONESTLY who doesn't put water in the ingredients list and only puts it in the instructions? Anyone would have made that mistake, right?

In good news, we remade them and they turned out very puffy and perfect. 

Plentiful Harvest

The only harvest from our 30+ radish seeds we planted.

Wrong Socks

When your 3 year old has the same color socks as you and you accidentally pack the wrong sock in your gym bag.

I tried to make it work, but I ended up just going barefoot.

Graham Cracker Bath

Turns out that giving a 20 month old a graham cracker in the bath is a bad idea.

She wanted to eat the graham cracker, but because she's so young she kept dipping the cracker in the bath water when she was distracted. Graham crackers dissolve in water really quick. She cried. We got her another. It happened again. We ended up with a bath full of graham crackers.

Rotten Melon

We picked out a watermelon at the grocery store and put it in the cart where our 3 year old was. At some point during that grocery trip he ended up standing on the watermelon because it was fun and wobbly. I put a stop to that right away, but I think the damage was done, unbeknownst to me. 

That evening I put the watermelon on the counter, and when I woke up the next day there was a huge puddle on the ground. The watermelon had been old enough/damaged enough that it cracked open and leaked rotten water melon juice all over our floor. It was a sticky, smelly, gross disaster.