Saturday, August 3, 2019

Back Wash

I let Rayne (14 months) drink out of my water bottle earlier today. Just now, when I went to take a drink, I felt something solid slide into my mouth. Immediately thinking the worst, that some bug crawled into my water, I spit it out all over onto the table.

Turns out it was a small chunk of apple that Rayne back washed into my water. Never again.

The aftermath of my spitting it out:

Nutella Kid

I leave him alone for ONE minute...

Friday, August 2, 2019

Uneven Cakes

When you put all three cake pans in the oven at the same time, and don't realize that the rims are overlapping, you get lopsided cakes.

Rice Pudding

Is it even homemade rice pudding if there's no burnt milk bits?

I've literally never made rice pudding without burning it. This time the recipe called for "instant rice" which I didn't even know existed, so we used normal rice. The milk is burnt, the rice is crunchy, but we're still eating it 😆