Sunday, December 13, 2015


My mom had this huuuuge decorative vase that my grandma gave to her. After looking inside there was a bunch of trash in it, but we didn't know how to get it out. David helped me lower it to the ground on top of him, so we could shake all the trash out into a box that we could throw out. He was underneath the vase so we wouldn't break or chip it on the tile

David is just so cute and I got this embarrassing picture of him and I couldn't help but post about it.


Lost Keys

David normally drives the car, but for some reason last week I did. After coming in the house for an hour or so, we realized we had no idea where our car keys were. I am notorious for losing everything ever, but I figured they would turn up eventually. Thank goodness we have a spare set, but we still wanted to find them because they had our mail key on them. We searched all over the house, and David asked me the regular questions:

"When was the last time you saw them?"
"Where did you go after we got home?"
"Where could they have gone?"

We left the next day to go to Fresno for Thanksgiving. David made a few comments about the lost keys. After getting home and still not having found them, we were worried I had permanently lost the keys.

Until David went to put on his work pants.

Do you see that green lanyard coming out of the pocket of his navy blue pants? Those are the car keys. 

For the first time in our entire relationship it was David who lost them, not me. We had a good chuckle about that for a while. 

Pumpkin Pie

David and I carpool to work. This one particular day walking to the car my hands were full with my lunch, his lunch, is luch dessert (pumpkin pie), a water bottle, and a book or something. I get into the car and set everything on my lap. His lunch and pie are in ziplock baggies, so they are kind of slippery ad slide all over the place. I am juggling too many things on my lap, so when they fall to the floor I don't bother to pick them up.

After a few minutes David worriedly asks me, "Amanda, where is my pumpkin pie?" I reply "Just around here somehwere."

He is worried enough that he makes me search for it. It wasn't on the floor like I had suspected. It also was not a very rigid pie at all, like I suspected. I mean, this thing was borderin on the softness of apple sauce. I eventually found it tucked under my left butt cheek by my seatbelt buckle. Without even feeling it I had squished his perfect slice of pie.

After David had cut his perfect slice of pie earlier that morning, it had fallen crust-up onto the floor. He thought he had escaped scott free because all that happened was a tiny layer of pie got peeled off the top and stuck to the ground. And then I came along and sat on it. Whoops.