Sunday, December 13, 2015

Pumpkin Pie

David and I carpool to work. This one particular day walking to the car my hands were full with my lunch, his lunch, is luch dessert (pumpkin pie), a water bottle, and a book or something. I get into the car and set everything on my lap. His lunch and pie are in ziplock baggies, so they are kind of slippery ad slide all over the place. I am juggling too many things on my lap, so when they fall to the floor I don't bother to pick them up.

After a few minutes David worriedly asks me, "Amanda, where is my pumpkin pie?" I reply "Just around here somehwere."

He is worried enough that he makes me search for it. It wasn't on the floor like I had suspected. It also was not a very rigid pie at all, like I suspected. I mean, this thing was borderin on the softness of apple sauce. I eventually found it tucked under my left butt cheek by my seatbelt buckle. Without even feeling it I had squished his perfect slice of pie.

After David had cut his perfect slice of pie earlier that morning, it had fallen crust-up onto the floor. He thought he had escaped scott free because all that happened was a tiny layer of pie got peeled off the top and stuck to the ground. And then I came along and sat on it. Whoops. 

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