Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fool's

I have never really gotten into April Fool's day pranks. I always wanted to, but nobody ever pranked me, and I was no good at coming up with pranks (believe me, I tried on more than one occasion and nobody was fooled). David's family, on the other hand, has always pranked each other on April Fool's day. This year I told him I wanted him to pull a prank on me. I asked him if he wanted a prank too, but he said no. It takes a little bit of the fun out of the prank when I'm expecting it, but David still got me really good.

So it was the night before April first and I was still up doing school work and such around midnight. That's when I got an email from my credit card company. I have only owned a credit card for a total of two months. I only have it so that I can build some credit, so all I buy on my card is gas, and I pay it off every single month. All our other necessities are paid with cash because it is easier for us to  keep a budget that way. So I literally spend $60 each month on my credit card each month and I have an automated payment system that pays off the entire balance at the end of each month. You can imagine how flustered I was when I got this e-mail at 12:00am on April 1st.

Click on the screen shot to get a larger view

I only spend $60 a month, I have only had the card for two months, AND I HAVE $341.45 IN INTEREST TO PAY??!! Oh I started to freak out. I immediately called David over and asked him how this was possible. He was the one who set up the automatic payment, so of course I had an accusatory tone as I furiously talked to him. Then I tried to sign on to the discover website to check my payment history and of course I forgot my login information, which just put me even more on edge. I was essentially yelling at David that he needed to call Discover while I figured out my login information, and in the midst of all the madness I got another e-mail.

David had created a gmail account called discoverstatements and sent me the first e-mail when I was sitting right next to him doing my school work not paying attention (he got the formatting by copying and pasting an old e-mail that Discover had sent him). Then when he saw how much I was freaking out he went over to his computer (again, right next to me) and sent the April Fools e-mail, but I was so busy figuring out my login information that I didn't even notice him sending the e-mail. He got me good. Especially because I didn't even realize it was April 1st yet since it was only midnight. Touche David, Touche.

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