Monday, August 14, 2017

Poo Horror Stories

From David:
"Well as usual he didn't want a diaper put on so I let him go. He starts grunting by the fan and I tried to grab him but was too late. As I pull him up he steps on the new poo, I put him down to try and change him and he desperately tries To escape, grabbing his poo foot in the process which he then transfers to his side, his hair, and my clothes. We run to the bathroom and start and bath and he's crying but manage to clean him up eventually, then have to come clean the poo in here. I don't even know if I got all the poo off. What a morning."

Our 10 month old hates getting his diaper changed. We try to hold him down as he writhes like CRAZY and yells at the top of his lungs, but sometimes he just gets away or we don't have the patience, so we let him get away. This message was from David, who stays home with Jamie.

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