Thursday, November 4, 2010

Young and "Freaking" Restless. My Bad.

If you haven't decided on a title for the paper you are writing yet and put in a fake title, don't use "freaking". You might forget to change the title.

Did I do that? Never.

I hear about the opposite of this sometimes, but if you are walking in the halls and hear someone randomly say kind of loudly, "Hey, how's it going?" don't assume they just answered the phone. They were talking to you. Then you'll feel dumb, and they probably will too when they ask again.

If you happen to go skinny dipping/streaking late at night in a river, three words of advice:

  1.  Don't forget where you put your keys if your clothes are still locked in the car.
  2. Don't streak far from where you parked. A car might come right then, and you will have to sprint back to the car to hide, tearing up you bare feet. 
  3.  Don't go in November. It's cold.

 If you put tons of hairspray in your hair for a Halloween costume, don't wait a long time to wash it. Because of the hairspray you won't be able to brush it and it'll get extremely knotted. Plan on using a ton of extra conditioner once you do get around to showering.

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