Thursday, December 27, 2012


In my family we pick names for Christmas. This year I got my sister Stefanie. I had about a hundred ideas of what I could get her, but she told me all she wanted was clothes. Clothes are not conducive to a $100 dollar budget. I could maybe buy one outfit. So of course, I did the only logical thing: I bought a bunch of clothes from a thrift store and refashioned them. I looked at enough refashion blogs that you would think I could do this stuff in my sleep. Trust me, it is not as easy as it looks. After many hours and a few tears, here are some of the things I was able to put together.

I bought her a few things, and forgot to take before and after pictures of a couple items, but the present was quite a hit. Best of all, I stayed under budget. BOOM!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! You are amazing. What an awesome gift. Usually when I watch something online I make it worse. Please can I have some of your brain power?
