Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Halloween Woes

This Halloween involved a lot of lessons.

1) Irons can be unpredictable. I was using fusible fabric to iron two pieces of fabric together for David's costume. For 3/4 of the costume the ironing went perfect. Then ALL OF A SUDDEN the iron is so hot it melts the fabric. And my arm.

The melted fabric got on the iron, too, of course, so I had to stop using it.

Immediately after the burn.

The next day.

No worries, though, because you can't really tell on the costume and he turned out to be the cutest Charlie Brown I've ever seen.

2) The hallway by the front door is VERY slippery in my new boots. When trick-or-treaters came by the house, I wanted to wear a scary costume and jump out at them to really scare them. Instead, I jumped out at them, slipped on the floor, and fell on my bum. I was not hurt, but my pride was. They came back later asking if I broke my leg, and when they heard I didn't they started laughing and said that fall was the funniest thing ever. 

The skid mark to prove it.

The scary costume.

3) Don't trust Pinterest for Pumpkin seed recipes. I found this post called "10 best pumpkin seed recipes" and tried out two of them. The first one was so gross I couldn't eat another bite. The second one was only tolerable because of the large quantities of sugar on it.

4) GROCERY STORES DON'T SELL PUMPKINS ON HALLOWEEN!! A few days before Halloween there are huge bins of pumpkins outside every grocery store, but if you aren't on top of your game and wait until Halloween day to buy pumpkins, you will be out of luck. We went to two different stores and it as the same case at both. Luckily, my mom had purchased one pumpkin weeks in avance, so at least we got to carve one pumpkin.

While I'm naturally talented at a lot of things, pumpkin carving is not one of them. I'm not sure how good pumpkin carvers do it, but I have tried so many of the hard patterns and quit halfway because you couldn't tell at all what it was. This year, having learned my lesson in the past, I chose an uber simple pattern. And it was still hard. We had to hide toothpicks in it to keep it from collapsing in on itself. 

5) This neighborhood goes ALL OUT for halloween with lights and lout music, and we handed out ALL of our 10 lbs of candy in less than 2 hours. It is a popular neighborhood.

All in all, it was still a good Halloween. 

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