Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I wish I hadn't heard that.

Don't let the subject of waxing come up around strangers. You will learn way more about that random girl in the math lab than you ever wanted to know.

When someone asks "Do you have...?" and you don't hear the rest of the question, don't take a 50/50 guess and just say no. Someone will call you out. Yes, you do have a car.

Don't ask a classmate who's in the TA lab for help on a homework problem. You will act like you know what they're talking about when really you don't, then you'll feel awkward asking the TA the exact same question, so you will have to pretend to do work for half an hour until they leave and you can ask the TA.

When you find a clump of three eyelashes on your shirt MAKE A WISH!! Don't totally forget in the midst of your excitement. Then don't start freaking out that you are losing so many eyelashes.

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