Friday, October 22, 2010

Jonsi who?

If you called the radio and won tickets to a concert, make sure you get to the radio station office before it closes. Otherwise you won't get the tickets. And you'll miss the concert. For my case, this wasn't that bad because it was Jonsi's concert. Who's Jonsi, you ask? I still have no idea, and I looked him up. (with kayleen)

If you are trying to go across the crosswalk on a busy six lane street, make sure you have time to cross. If you don't, you will have five lanes left to walk accross and traffic that wants to run you over. You might want to sprint to the other side. (with kayleen)

When putting the jar of jam back in the fridge, make sure it gets all the way on the shelf. If not, you'll end up with glass shards and jam all over the floor.

If you are way into a guy, make sure you don't accidently over hear him talking to his friend about a girl he wants that goes to a different school. That's just depressing.

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