Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The scootin' adventure.

never, and i mean NEVER, forget that you parked your car far away and then remember right as you are going to bed.

Every Monday and Wednesday I get off work at 1:00 and my first class starts and 1:00 also, so I always rush to class and park in the parking lot closest to that class so I am only ten minutes late, rather than twenty. Yesterday I did the same thing as always, and when I finished my last class I forgot about my car and walked home. This happens fairly often. But last night I was hanging out and playing games all night, so I ended up getting back to my apartment at about midnight, did a little bit of homework, then got ready for bed. I was climbing into my bed when I suddenly remembered, MY CAR!! The parking lot that I parked it in is a school parking lot, and between the hours of one and four in the morning they ticket cars parked there. I have had four parking tickets in the last year, I don't need another one. But it was past one in the morning, I couldn't go get my car alone! Leslie, Irina, and Hannah were all asleep. Suzy was in bed and Kaitlin was in the shower. I ran into Suzy's room to see if she still had her uncle's car, but she didn't. Kaitlin doesn't have a car either. Great. I guess I'll just get a ticket and make the fifteen minute walk to my car in the morning. But Suzy, being the gracious soul that she is, offered about five times to go with me to get my car. I declined four times. So we suited up, got sweats and sweatshirts on, dried off our hair that was wet from showers as much as we could before we stepped into the frosty air, and set on our way. But we thought hey, a razor scooter would be faster than walking, right? The only problem? I have one but she doesn't. So we took my scooter that I got in third grade and tried to ride it to the parking lot. This sounds all fine and dandy, but my foot can barely fit on the base of the scooter, let alone mine and Suzy's. We had to hold our feet sideways. Okay, that obstacle overcome. Then there was a pushing problem. One of us would kick the other's shoe off, or our legs would hit each other's, and it was just not flowing right, so we started to chant out "push...push...push..." to keep us synchronized. Then we had the problem of staying on the scooter. The person in back has to hold on the person in front with all their weight, and with that tiny scooter base we are talking about full body contact and the person in front has to hold on to the steering bars hard enough to keep both people from falling backwards off the scoot. And then we had to stay balanced, which was the hardest part, so we fell off every two minutes periodically. So if you were driving around Provo in the middle of the night last night, you may have seen two girls on a very wobbly one person scooter scootin' around town, out of breath. We got a few shout outs from some long boarders and a biker. And after a ten minute adventure (yep, we shaved a whole five minutes off our time. worth it? debatable) we made it to my car, which we drove back and parked, and at last went into our warm apartment and our comfy beds to sleep for the night knowing that I was not going to get a ticket that night.

So I'll repeat my earlier words of caution: DO NOT EVER FORGET TO PICK UP YOUR CAR FROM THE PARKING LOT. (unless of course you want a scootin' adventure like me and Suzy had)

The forever-bonded scooter buddies.

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